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Visual Narration: How to Make a Storyboard Using AI

In the film and animation industries, storyboards help content creators previsualize how a sequence of images or animations will appear on-screen. Each frame of a storyboard communicates information like shot composition, pacing, and camera angle. For team projects, storyboards help the director and producers align their creative vision with the practical work of animators, actors,…

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How AI Image Generators Streamline Image Conceptualization and Mockup

In recent years, AI image generators have revolutionized the corporate and creative landscapes. Once upon a time, businesses developed creative concepts through days, weeks, or even months of intense brainstorming, design, prototyping, and revision. Now, companies can leverage the power of AI art to cut turnaround times and deliver unique, innovative deliverables in a fraction…

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How Can I Be Sure My AI Isn’t Stealing?

Brand Protection in a Socially Influenced World In today's digitally connected and socially influenced environment, safeguarding a brand's integrity has never been more important. Using unethical or thieving AI software can cause irreparable damage to your business’ reputation and lead to significant legal trouble. A tarnished reputation not only diminishes customer trust but can incur…

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An AI-generated image of four people, three women and a man, browsing the internet in their home kitchen.

Can AI Save Businesses Money?

Leveraging AI Software for Innovation Embracing AI generated content presents businesses with unprecedented opportunities to economize and innovate. From establishing self-sufficiency to reducing costs and turnaround time, AI generated images represent a world of possibility.  Reduce Costs in Creative Processes AI generated images reduce or eliminate the need for extensive storyboarding, mock-up production, photoshoots, and…

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How Leaders Can Use Ethical AI to Develop Creative Teams

Most creatives agree: you need to master AI before it masters you. Companies are increasingly relying on AI to automate processes and unlock new opportunities, which sounds great for the bottom line. But what does this mean for the future of creative fields? This puts companies in a difficult position: how do they keep up with…

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How Customer Success Teams Are Getting Creative with AI

In previous Creatives and AI blog posts, we looked at how AI is changing the game for artists, marketers, and creative leaders. What's happening in the world of customer success, where teams are managing massive user communities, customer health, and speed of service while maintaining real human-to-human relationships?  I recently spoke with Tim Thomas, Sr. Director of…

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How AI-Generated Art is Impacting the Tattoo Industry

In the short time since AI-generated tools hit the mainstream market, they've only gotten better. It’s getting increasingly difficult to discern reality and computer-generated imagery due to the rapid advancements in technology and the growing availability of said solutions. This impacts everyone in a creative role, including artists who have spent their lives mastering the long-standing trade of…

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I Asked ChatGPT If Creatives Should Be Concerned About AI

AI and its potential has the creative world divided: are our jobs about to get a whole lot easier, or eliminated entirely?   As a creative myself (hi, I’m Megan, Bluescape’s copywriter!), I have felt the existential dread that comes along with technological advances that are rumored to replace creative roles, ranging from screenwriters to graphic designers.  So,…

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