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How Can I Be Sure My AI Isn’t Stealing?

In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI content, many users have expressed concern about the underlying systems behind AI generation and the potential ethical implications of using AI generated imagery.

While there’s no one foolproof way to guarantee AI images are 100% original, there are steps businesses and creative individuals can take to ensure their use of AI is ethical and in line with their core values. Specifically, AI users should establish a set of ethical and commercial guidelines to inform their use of AI generated images.

Understanding AI Generated Images Creation

Most AI models, including those developed by leading technology firms like Wowzer and OpenAI, generate images by consulting large datasets composed of similar images and using advanced computer algorithms to replicate complex patterns and artistic styles through a process known as machine learning.

Before an AI software can do that, however, it needs to be trained. Training an AI application involves exposing it to many images and text sourced from the web, teaching it to understand different elements of visual design, from color and texture to form and composition. As the AI absorbs this information, it can generate new, unique images inspired by, but not directly copied from, the input data.  

Brand Protection in a Socially Influenced World

In today’s digitally connected and socially influenced environment, safeguarding a brand’s integrity has never been more important. Using unethical or thieving AI software can cause irreparable damage to your business’ reputation and lead to significant legal trouble. A tarnished reputation not only diminishes customer trust but can incur significant financial losses and long-term harm to a company’s image. Businesses must be vigilant in their use of AI generated content, ensuring it aligns with public expectations and legal guidelines.  

Selecting Ethical AI Software for Your Business

Different AI software utilize the machine learning process in different ways. When navigating the complex and mostly uncharted landscape of AI software, businesses must exercise due diligence to ensure they use an AI model that produces images that conform to ethical and legal standards.

The best way to ensure AI generated images are produced ethically is to partner with an AI provider that advocates for effective and clear guidelines for the creation and use of images, ensuring that the generated content respects the intellectual property of artists and aligns with your brand’s values. By promoting the use of governed assets as a basis for training and controlling models, rather than relying entirely on base models, software like Wowzer AI facilitates respectful and responsible use of AI technology. 

Ensuring Safe Use of AI Generated Images with

The key to confidently utilizing AI generated images lies not merely in the assurance provided by the software but in the responsible and context-dependent application of these images by businesses. empowers its users with tools and guidelines that promote ethical use, emphasizing the importance of aligning generated content with the company’s brand and messaging. 

In particular, Wowzer encourages users to use AI as a previsualization tool to help creatives plan and design traditional content. Using AI to inform rather than replace original content protects businesses from accidental plagiarism and brand damage.’s commitment to ethical AI practices ensures that businesses can leverage the power of AI art generation while upholding their responsibilities to their brand, their audience, and the broader creative community.  

Get started with and see how AI generated imagery can help your business reach new heights­—without sacrificing your creative integrity.