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Sneak Peek at #SXSW2024: Wowzer Empowers Creative Expression With AI

Get ready to embark on a journey into the future of creativity as Wowzer AI takes the spotlight at this year’s SXSW Conference on March 11th in Austin, TX! As a proud sponsor of the Lively & Grit Daily House, Wowzer brings you two unmissable presentations that promise to redefine the boundaries of imagination. 

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s to come during the two Wowzer-sponsored sessions: 
First Session:
Visual Imagination: From Thoughts to Screen

2:05pm – March 11th
The Lively & Grit Daily House

featuring c. Craig, Writer and Director of the award-winning short film Fathead 

Session Overview:

c. Craig will explore how the use of generative AI tools makes teams more efficient by accelerating visual ideation and concept development. As part of this deep dive, he’ll explore the ethical and creative considerations that teams should be aware of when launching AI into their day-to-day workflows. c. Craig will address many important questions on the minds of studios, filmmakers and organizations, including which departments AI benefits.

Based on his experience in film, c.Craig will review how to put together costume and set designs through quickly experimenting with styles, colors, and textures at scale. Also, to highlight the importance of moments, he’ll discuss the role of concept art to get teams on the same page (including cinematography, tone, character, and lighting). Finally, for anyone interested in getting consistent AI results for a particular style or brand, the presentation will include more about model training and the future horizons still to come for AI.  

Costume design concepts created in Wowzer AI:  

Prompt: Generate a hyper-realistic vision of an intricate steampunk costume, spinning a visual symphony of rusty cogs, leather corsets, and vintage goggles, all glowing under soft gaslight illumination for cinematic masterpiece. Photograph, Landscape. 

Prompt: Craft a concept for an ultra-modern, hyper-realistic vision of a pink, sci-fi helmet gleaming under the majestic glow of a setting sun. 

Second Session:
Unleashing the Controversy of Generative AI in Art and Storytelling 

2:45pm – March 11th
The Lively & Grit Daily House

Panel featuring Writer/Director c. Craig, FX-DMZ Founder Chris Vienneau, IBM UX Researcher Gabby Hoefer, and James Word, VP Product Management for Wowzer 

Session overview:

The speakers on this panel won’t pretend that generative AI hasn’t unleashed some harsh critics or that it has a revolutionary impact on the creative domain. They’ll be addressing head on the controversy surrounding the use of GenAI.

What exactly is the art of the possible with AI? Fear and misconceptions of AI can put red tape on the exploration of creativity. In this session, writers, artists, storytellers, and creative professionals will learn how AI can help transform their artistic approach with the help of GenAI.

The panelists will thoughtfully explore the following: 

  1. The Creative Revolution:

    Explore how Generative AI is revolutionizing creativity by augmenting human imagination, enabling new forms of expression, and challenging traditional creative processes.

  2. Fears and Fallacies:

    Address common fears such as job displacement, loss of human touch, and ethical concerns, debunking myths and highlighting the symbiotic relationship between humans and machines in the creative process. 

  3. Ethical Considerations:

    Delve into the ethical implications of AI-generated content, discussing issues of authorship, ownership, and the blurred lines between human and machine creativity. 

  4. Future Possibilities:

    Envision the future of art and storytelling in a world where Generative AI is ubiquitous, exploring the limitless possibilities and potential pitfalls of this technological evolution. 

The possibilities for human-machine collaboration are exciting. If you want in on all the cutting-edge discussions, but can’t make the in-person sessions, fear not! You can still get all the creative nuggets and takeaways by registering below. We’ll email you the video recordings once they’re available!