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Easy, Fast, and Fun AI Image Generation

Beginner-Friendly Tools for Wow-Worthy Results


Sign up to create free images today.

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More than 2 million images generated from the most popular AI models!

We make generative AI easy, fast & fun

what we do

Wowzer is your AI Image Discovery Engine

Make your creative vision a reality with Wowzer AI image generator. Here, you can generate, explore, and compare unique images from the world’s best AI models.

By generating results across multiple AI models at once, you get more diverse and dynamic results. And our Prompt Enhancer instantly turns any user into a Prompt Master for truly exceptional creations

Perfect your prompts, craft your creations, and share your selections—all in one place and for one low price. Join now for $0.99/month. 

See It in Action

Our Pricing Plans


  • 20 credits/day, refreshes daily 
  • Multi-model
  • Stable Diffusion XL
  • Stable Diffusion 3, for a limited time
  • Threads, Boards, Sharing
  • Incentives to earn credits
  • 5 GB storage
Sign Up


  • Everything in Studio AND
  • 100 bonus credits on signup
  • 40 credits/day, refreshes daily
  • DALL-E 3 HD
  • Ability to purchase more credits: $10 for 500 credits
  • Private images
  • 50 GB Storage
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Contact us
  • Volume credit pricing
  • Corporate billing
  • Private images
  • Starter image (coming soon)
  • (coming soon)
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